You Do What You Do Best.
We Bring You Qualified Prospects Who Are Actively Seeking Your Service.
This Is What WE Do Best.

Brasil Data Labs is a group of International Search Engine Experts, from the US, Mexico, Greece, Germany, and Brazil.

With over 100+ years of combined search engine expertise, we have perfected our strategies and tactics to rank the best keyword phrases within any market we target.

First And Foremost, We Are Search Engine Optimization Experts.

What We Do:

Advanced Strategies

We utilize advanced digital marketing strategies to rank properties within the Search Engines.

Then We Find One Specific Client

We identify one specific client within each city and within each niche industry to work with. Then, we drive 100% of this traffic to our client’s front door. 

Continually Testing

We continually test our campaigns and watch our metrics closely.

Ensuring High Rankings

Our team ensures our rankings not only remain, but that we ultimately dominate the entire first page for every search term we target.

We Get Results

We know what to do to rank for high traffic keyword phrases.

Only Then Do We Take Clients

First, we spend our own time, our own money to rank these pages. Once we are ranking on the first pages of any of the 3 main search engines, then, and only then, do we offer these website visitors to our client.

This eliminates 100% of their risk by having instant, targeted traffic from the moment they become a client of Brasil DataLabs and don’t have to pay for a ranking that may never occur.

How Does This All Work?

Prospect searching on google for your product or servcie

Traditionally consumers have used TV, newspaper, and phone books to learn and search for products and services. But as you very well know, things have changed. Now consumers spend more time researching on the internet than ever before. The process is now:

  • They do a search,

  • They see a search result,

  • They visit websites to learn more about their problem and the solutions available to them,

  • They narrow down their options to a few select vendors,

  • Then they reach out and take the steps to the sale.

This Is Where You Come In…

Traditionally YOU’VE been the one advertising on TV, newspaper, radio, and yellow pages. You were never required to have a lot of extra knowledge in order to place your ads. You simply traded the vendors’ time and expertise for your money.

However…we now know consumers have switched their allegiance to the internet to find their service providers. Businesses have been forced to adapt.  And it hasn’t been easy….

  • Marketing online is complicated, with a steep learning curve,

  • It requires a lot of technology and, therefore, various levels of technology know-how,

  • The rules are always changing as the Search Engines constantly update their algorithms.

Frustrated business owner having to learn so much technology

So Here’s What You’ve Had To Do…

You’ve had to go to “Experts” who claim to know how to get you qualified leads: people who are actually seeking a solution to their problem.

But there’s a problem with this:

  • You are given NO assurances their methods will work,

  • Most of the time, you don’t get any decent results,

  • You are often met with, “We need more time! This stuff takes time!

  • But all this TIME costs you money….lots of money.

But There IS A Better Way…

Don’t Delay!